Charlene Liu

Community Event Advisor
Diversity & Inclusion Consulting (DNIC), Ladies Who Tech, Q-Events, ShanghaiPRIDE

Charlene Liu was born in Malaysia and has lived in the US, Singapore, and China. She is an engineer, community leader, social change advocate, and diversity and inclusion expert.

She graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a BSc in Electrical Engineering and has 20+ years of working experience in different areas of the Semiconductor & Electronics industry, ranging from design, engineering, manufacturing, project management to sales and marketing. She has experience with events, corporate innovation, and management consulting at PwC and was the Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging APAC at Arcadis.

Charlene has 17 years of community leadership, commercial event management, and Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) advocacy experience. In 2009, she co-founded ShanghaiPRIDE, an annual festival run entirely by volunteers that promotes LGBT+ inclusion, in 2014 Q-Events, an event management company, in 2016 Ladies Who Tech, a social impact community for women in STEM, and in 2019, D&I Consulting DNIC, a consultancy which helps corporations build a more inclusive culture. Recently, she was elected as an Executive Board Member, Women Representative of ILGA Asia. Charlene is now embarking on a full-time journey managing these platforms.

In 2014, she and team ShanghaiPRIDE were awarded Shanghai Hero by Time Out Shanghai, and in 2018, Best Event Organizer in East China by Huodongxing.

Charlene Liu 出生于马来西亚,曾在美国、新加坡和中国生活。 她是一名工程师, 社群领袖,社会变革倡导者,以及企业多元包容的专家。

她毕业于美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,拥有电气工程学学士学位和近20年半导体和 电子行业工作经验,涵盖项目管理、设计、工程管理、生产、销售、市场等领域。她曾在普华永道从事活动、企业创新及管理咨询方面的经验,并曾在凯谛思担任多元、 公平、包容和归属感亚太区总监。

同时,Charlene具有17年的社群领导、商业活动管理以及企业多元包容倡导经验。 2009年她联合创办了上海骄傲节,一个由志愿者组织并管理的年度节日庆典,旨在 促进LGBTQ+的包容性; 2014年联合创办活动管理公司Q-Events; 2016年与另一位 合伙人联合为STEM行业女性打造Ladies Who Tech社群平台;2019年创始上海酷仕 商务咨询有限公司,旨在帮助企业建立更具包容性文化。 最近,她被选为ILGA Asia 的执行委员会成员,女性代表 。Charlene目前全职管理这些平台的各项事宜。

她和上海骄傲节团队在2014年获得了由Time Out杂志颁发的上海英雄奖,在2018年 获得了由活动行颁发的华东区最佳活动组织方称号。

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