Churan Zheng 郑楚然

Chinese feminist organizer

In the past decade, China’s grassroots feminist movement, primarily led by young women, has brought about transformative changes to various gender-discriminatory policies in the country. Through activist endeavors, this movement has initiated a ground-up understanding of feminism among the general public. Despite the constrained political environment, the feminist movement persists in various manifestations and continues to evolve.

Churan Zheng is a Chinese feminist activist and organizer and is one of the China Feminist Five. Since 2012, she has been organizing young Chinese women to engage in policy advocacy and public education and has also worked on advocating for female workers’ rights. She is one of the co-recipients of Ms. Magazine’s 10 of the Most Inspiring Feminists of 2015 and one of the BBC’s 100 Women in 2016.


  • Churan Zheng: Unleashing the Power of Feminist Activism in China – Talk in Cornell University


郑楚然是一名中国女权主义活动家和组织者,也是“中国女权五姐妹”之一。自2012年以来,她一直在组织中国年轻女性参与政策倡导和公共教育,并且还致力于女性工人权益的倡导。她是《Ms. 杂志》2015年最令人鼓舞的十位女权主义者之一,也是BBC 2016年巾帼百名之一。


  • 郑楚然:在中国释放女权主义行动的力量 – 康奈尔大学演讲

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