Ciangqi Chen 陈湘琪

Advisor on Community Building

Xiangqi Chen is a promoter and practitioner of the LGBT community. in 2002, she founded the Chinese Lesbian website. in 2005, she founded Shanghai Nvai, the first grassroots NGO dedicated to lesbian women in Shanghai. in 2008, she was elected as the first and second Secretary General of the Chinese LALA Alliance. in 2012, she organized the anti-sexual harassment performance art “I can seduce, you can’t harass”. 2008-2012, founded community spaces such as the Shanghai LGBT Cultural Center and Feminist Café. 2018-2019 acted as director to produce and complete the documentary “Shanghai Queer” presenting the development of the LGBTQ movement in Shanghai over the past 15 years.

陈湘琪,LGBT社群的推动者和实践者。2002 年创办了中国女同性恋网站,2005 年创办了中国第一个致力于同性恋女性的草根非政府组织 “上海女爱”。2008年被推選為華人拉拉聯盟的第一屆、第二届秘書長。2012 年组织反性骚扰行为艺术 “我可以勾引,你不能骚扰”。2008 年至 2012 年,创办上海 LGBT 文化中心和女权咖啡馆等社区空间。2018年-2019年擔任導演製作完成《上海酷兒》呈现上海15年LGBTQ运动发展的紀錄片。

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