Dian Dian (典典)

Gender Studies Advisor,

Dian Dian is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Emory University. Their/Her current research plan aims to explore how the discourse and activism of gender and sexuality in the Sinophone world produce new possibilities in the transnational feminist movement today and their interaction with “western” ideas about LGBT identity, queer theory, and feminism.  

Dian has received two BAs in Chinese Classics and Political Philosophy in Beijing. They/She also began to work on gender and sexuality issues as a lesbian activist there since 2009. After moving to Hong Kong and got her Mphil in History from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dian continued their/her activist work mainly by serving as the chief editor of Queer Lala Times, an online media focusing on issues about gender and sexuality in the Chinese speaking areas. She also worked for the Chinese Lala Alliance, a cross-region network for Chinese Lala(LBTI) activists and groups. 

Dian’s recent publication is a work of translation: 2019 (Co-translator) Mary Wollstonecraft. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects. Taiwan: Wu-Nan Book Inc.


典典在北京获得了两个学士学位,分别是中国古典文化和政治哲学。自2009年起,TA也开始作为一名女同性恋活动家活跃于性别和性取向问题。搬到香港后,Dian取得了香港中文大学历史学硕士学位,以主要身份担任《酷拉拉时报》的主编(一个专注于汉语地区性别和性取向问题的在线媒体)。典典还为中国拉拉联盟 (LBTI) 工作,活动家和团体的跨区域网络。

Dian最近的出版物是一本翻译作品:2019年(合译)Mary Wollstonecraft。《关于妇女权利的辩护:关于政治和道德主题的评论》。台湾:五南图书公司。

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