Prof. Shuzhen Huang (黄淑贞)

Associate Professor
Department of Communication Studies at the Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania (Bloomsburg Campus)

Shuzhen Huang is an associate professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania (Bloomsburg Campus). Her research is situated at the intersection of gender and sexuality studies, critical intercultural commu­nication, and transnational feminism. Oriented around culture and resistance, her research explores the complexity of subjectivities and theorizes alternative cultural practices with the aim of generating opportunities to extend and rethink dominant frameworks of knowledge. Her recent research focuses on the lived experiences of transnational queer women of Chinese descent in the United States. Seeing scholarship as a way of critical intervention, her project aims to center images and narratives of transnational queer Chinese women, which have been marginalized in public discourse.

Recent plublications:

  • Huang, S., & Brouwer, D. C. (2018). Negotiating performances of “real” marriage in Chinese queer xinghun. Women’s Studies in Communication, 41(2), 140-158.
  • Huang, S., & Brouwer, D. C. (2018). Coming out, coming home, coming with: Models of queer sexuality in contemporary China. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 11(2), 97-116.
  • Huang, S. (2023). Reclaiming Family, Reimaging Queer Relationality. Journal of Homosexuality, 70(1), 17-34.
  • Huang, S. (2020). Unbecoming Queer: Chinese Queer Migrants and Impossible Subjectivity. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 7(1), 83-89.



  • 黄淑贞,Brouwer,D. C.(2018)。在中国酷儿“形婚”中谈判“真实”婚姻的表演。《女性传播研究》,41(2),140-158。
  • 黄淑贞,Brouwer,D. C.(2018)。出柜、回家、共生:当代中国酷儿性别模式。《国际与跨文化传播杂志》,11(2),97-116。
  • 黄淑贞(2023)。重新夺回家庭,重新构想酷儿关系。《同性恋杂志》,70(1),17-34。
  • 黄淑贞(2020)。不再成为酷儿:中国酷儿移民与不可能的主体性。《QED:酷儿世界建构期刊》,7(1),83-89。
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