Professor Tani E. Barlow

Nancy Rupp Professor of Humanities and Professor of History at Rice University

Tani Barlow is George and Nancy Rupp Professor of Humanities and Professor of History. Her focus is Chinese intellectual and women’s history. She is the author of In the Event of Women (Duke University Press, forthcoming, 2018), The Question of Women in Chinese Feminism (Duke University Press, 2004), and Inter/National Feminism and China, Ito Ruri and Kobayashi Eri, trans., (Tokyo: Ochanomizu Press, 2003). In addition, Barlow has edited and co-edited nine published books, including The World Looks at China: Twenty Years of positions: asia critique (Nanjing University Press, 2016, in Chinese), The Modern Girl, Colonial Modernity, and East Asia(Iwanami Shoten, in Japanese, 2008); New Asian Marxisms (Duke University Press, 2002); Cinema and Desire: The Cultural Politics of Feminist Marxist Dai Jinhua(Verso, 2002); and I Myself Am a Woman: Selected Writings of Ding Ling (Beacon Press, 1999). Barlow has published twenty papers in edited books, about forty articles in academic journals, edited or co-edited forty-seven journal issues, and curated a contemporary arts festival.

Professor Barlow is the founding senior editor of positions: asia critique, an international, four time prize winning journal which she continues to edit. Barlow has held Visiting Professorships at the Institute of Advanced Study at Shanghai’s Jiaotong University, Beijing’s Tsinghua University, Nanjing University’s Institute for Advanced Studies; Japan’s Hitotsubashi and Ochanomizu Universities; and the University of Bologna, Italy over the last years. Professor Barlow has founded or co-founded nine collaborative research projects, including the Rockefeller Foundation Grant in the Humanities, “Project for Critical Asian Studies” and the Luce Foundation’s “Ephemera Project.” Her most recently published articles include “Sexual Difference in Foundational Chinese Marxist Sociology: Qu Qiuba and Li Da on Female Centered Evolution), in Remapping, Vol.4, (Beijing, 2016, in Chinese), “History’s Coffin Can Never Be Closed: On Qu Qiubai and Translation,” special issue of Boundary 2 (42:3, 2016) “What is the Problem? Digital Studies and Professional Historians,” in Digital Humanities: Between Past, Present, and Future, (Taipei: Research Center for Digital Humanities, DADH, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2017), and “Commercial Advertising Art in Late 19th and early 20th Century ‘China,’” in Martin Powers and Katherine Tsiang, eds, Blackwell Companion to Chinese Art, (Wiley-Blackwell, 2015). Tani Barlow is co-founder of the Chinese Commercial Advertising Archive with Professor Chen Jing of Nanjing University.

Selected Essay Publications:

  • “Body and Soul: Anglo-America Asianisms,1870-1995,” Contemporary Asianisms, Nicola Spakowski and Mark Frey, eds., National University of Singapore Press, 2016
  • “Commercial Advertising Art in Late 19th and early 20th Century ‘China,’” in Martin Powers and Katherine Tsiang, eds, Blackwell Companion to Chinese Art, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015
  • “Event, Abyss, Excess: the Event of Women in Chinese Commercial Advertisement,1910s-1930s,” in differences: a journal of feminist cultural studies, 24:2,2013
  • “‘What is a poem?’ History and the Modern Girl,” in David Palumbo-Liu, Bruce Robbins & Nirvana Tanoukhi. Immanuel Wallerstein and the Problem of the World: System, Scale and Culture (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2011)

Selected Publications:

  • “History’s Coffin Can Never Be Closed: On Qu Qiubai and Translation,” special issue of Boundary 2 42:3, 2016
  • “Body and Soul: Anglo-America Asianisms, 1870-1995,” Contemporary Asianisms, NicolaSpakowski and Mark Frey, eds., National University of Singapore Press, 2016
  • “Commercial Advertising Art in Late 19th and early 20th Century ‘China,’” in Martin Powers and Katherine Tsiang, eds, Blackwell Companion to Chinese Art, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015
  • “Event, Abyss, Excess: the Event of Women in Chinese Commercial Advertisement,1910s-1930s,” in differences: a journal of feminist cultural studies, 24:2,2013
  • “‘What is a poem?’ History and the Modern Girl,” in David Palumbo-Liu, Bruce Robbins & Nirvana Tanoukhi. Immanuel Wallerstein and the Problem of the World: System, Scale,& Culture (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2011)
  • Co-editor (Ruri Ito, Hiroko Sakamoto), The Modern Girl, Colonial Modernity, and EastAsia, 植民地的近代と東アジア:国際シンポジウム「モダンガールと植民地的近代—東アジ\ アにおける資本・帝国・ジェンダー」の一部として (Tokyo:  Iwanami shoten, 2010)
  • The Modern Girl Around the World, co-edited with Madeleine Dong, Uta Poiger, Priti Ramamurthy, Lynn Thomas, and Alys Weinbaum (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2008)

Tani Barlow 是乔治和南希·拉普人文学教授以及历史学教授。她专注于中国知识分子和女性史研究。她是《女性事件》(杜克大学出版社,即将出版,2018年)、《中国女权主义中的女性问题》(杜克大学出版社,2004年)以及《国际/国家女权主义与中国》,伊藤瑠理和小林惠理译(东京:御茶水书院,2003年)的作者。此外,巴洛编辑和合编了九本已出版书籍,包括《世界如何看待中国:《位置:亚洲批判》二十年》(南京大学出版社,2016年,中文版)、《现代女孩、殖民现代性与东亚》(岩波书店,2008年,日文版);《新亚洲马克思主义》(杜克大学出版社,2002年);《电影与欲望:女权主义马克思主义者戴金华的文化政治》(Verso,2002年);《我自己是一个女人:丁玲选集》(灯塔出版社,1999年)。Barlow在编辑书籍中发表了二十篇论文,约四十篇学术期刊文章,编辑或合编辑了四十七期期刊,并策划了一个当代艺术节。

Barlow教授是《位置:亚洲批判》的创始高级编辑,这是一个国际性、四次获奖的期刊,她继续担任编辑。巴洛在上海交通大学高级研究所、北京清华大学、南京大学高级研究所;日本一桥大学和御茶水女子大学;以及意大利博洛尼亚大学担任过访问教授。她创立或共同创立了九个合作研究项目,包括洛克菲勒人文基金会“关键亚洲研究项目”和卢斯基金会的“流动项目”。她最近发表的文章包括《中国马克思主义社会学基础中的性别差异:曲球与李达关于以女性为中心的演化》(《再映射》,第4卷,(北京,2016年,中文))、《历史的棺材永远无法关闭:关于曲球与翻译》(《边界2》特刊,42:3,2016年)《问题是什么?数字研究与专业历史学家》(《数字人文:过去、现在和未来之间》,(台北:国立台湾大学数字人文研究中心,DADH,2017年)),以及《19世纪末20世纪初‘中国’的商业广告艺术》(马丁·鲍尔斯和谢安琪编辑,《布莱克威尔中国艺术指南》,Wiley-Blackwell,2015年)。Tani Barlow与南京大学的陈静教授共同创立了中国商业广告档案。


  • 《身体与灵魂:1870-1995年的盎格鲁-美洲亚洲主义》,《当代亚洲主义》,Nicola Spakowski 和 Mark Frey 编辑,新加坡国立大学出版社,2016年
  • 《19世纪末20世纪初‘中国’的商业广告艺术》,马丁·鲍尔斯和谢安琪编辑,《布莱克威尔中国艺术指南》,Wiley-Blackwell,2015年
  • 《事件、深渊、过剩:1910-1930年代中国商业广告中的女性事件》,《差异:女权主义文化研究期刊》,24:2, 2013年
  • 《‘什么是诗?’历史与现代女孩》,在David Palumbo-Liu, Bruce Robbins & Nirvana Tanoukhi 编辑,《伊曼纽尔·瓦勒斯坦与世界问题:系统、规模与文化》(杜克大学出版社,2011年)
  • 精选出版物:
  • 《历史的棺材永远无法关闭:关于曲球与翻译》,《边界2》特刊,42:3,2016年
  • 《身体与灵魂:1870-1995年的盎格鲁-美洲亚洲主义》,《当代亚洲主义》,Nicola Spakowski 和 Mark Frey 编辑,新加坡国立大学出版社,2016年
  • 《19世纪末20世纪初‘中国’的商业广告艺术》,马丁·鲍尔斯和谢安琪编辑,《布莱克威尔中国艺术指南》,Wiley-Blackwell,2015年
  • 《事件、深渊、过剩:1910-1930年代中国商业广告中的女性事件》,《差异:女权主义文化研究期刊》,24:2, 2013年
  • 《‘什么是诗?’历史与现代女孩》,在David Palumbo-Liu, Bruce Robbins & Nirvana Tanoukhi 编辑,《伊曼纽尔·瓦勒斯坦与世界问题:系统、规模与文化》(杜克大学出版社,2011年)
  • 《现代女孩、殖民现代性与东亚》,共同编辑(伊藤瑠理、坂本浩子),(东京:岩波书店,2010年)
  • 《全球现代女孩》,与Madeleine Dong, Uta Poiger, Priti Ramamurthy, Lynn Thomas 和 Alys Weinbaum 共同编辑(杜克大学出版社,2008年)

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