Yi Kang

Chief Visual Designer

MFA in Arts and Technology from the School of Art Institute of Chicago. Moujiti ART + TECH Beijing 3D generalist. Taken part in new media art projects such as Spectacle 2099 Carnival Theatre, Tencent Future Technology Museum proposal, Exhibition of National Treasures immersive space visual upgrade, Walkthrough of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains immersive space at The Palace Museum Immersive Art Exhibition.

Yi Kang received her MFA degree in Arts and Technology from the School of Art Institute of Chicago. She now works at Moujiti ART + TECH Beijing as a 3D generalist. She had taken part in new media art projects such as Spectacle 2099 Carnival Theatre, Tencent Future Technology Museum proposal, Exhibition of National Treasures immersive space visual upgrade, Walkthrough of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains immersive space at The Palace Museum Immersive Art Exhibition.


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