Yifa 一发姬中

Community Engagement / Social Media Advisor

Yifa, as a top blogger and internet celebrity among lesbian women on Weibo, has attracted attention due to her striking personality. Although she has 72,000 followers, she is not limited to entertainment but actively participates in various social issues, particularly focusing on global gender and sexual orientation equality issues. She is not just a social media personality but also an active advocate for legal education and social advocacy, committed to promoting social diversity and inclusiveness for a long time.

Yifa is also a staunch advocate for diverse gender identities. She pays close attention to and shares the life stories of transgender individuals, showing the reality, dreams, and diverse life experiences of members from sexual minority communities.

Her Weibo content covers people of different cultures, religions, ages, native languages, and skin colors, actively encouraging people from various backgrounds to establish friendships and communicate. In addition, she actively introduces various emerging academic terms and research on gender, representing women, lesbians, bisexuals, non-binary, transgender, agender, and marginalized groups, emphasizing the importance of gender identity, while also calling for reflection on the discriminatory issues of the patriarchal system.

Furthermore, she actively engages in community building, establishing multiple online sharing platforms, including creating WeChat communities for multiple countries, organizing both online and offline events, providing more opportunities for the community to communicate and share.





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