
Bay Area Regional Director

She is a single mother with a two-year-old daughter. She has been living in the San Francisco Bay Area of California since 2011 and is actively involved in local queer community activities and philanthropy. The queer charity groups she participates in include “Proud Mothers” and “Rainbow Sisters of Faith,” as well as offline queer community networking events. She graduated from the University of California, Davis with a degree in Chemistry in 2016. She has worked as a pharmacist, in real estate investment, and in the biotechnology field, and she has pursued a master’s degree in data statistics.

是一位两岁女儿的单身妈妈。2011年来到并生活在加州旧金山湾区十多年,热心与当地的酷儿群体活动及公益。 参与的酷儿公益群体小组包括有 “骄傲的妈妈”,“彩虹姐妹信仰”,酷儿群体线下联谊活动。 2016年毕业于加州大学戴维斯分校化学系。曾在药剂师,地产投资,生物科技领域工作,并于数据统计专业进修硕士学位。

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