Let’s talk about harassment

Hosts: 纤维素,袜子

Zoom: 969 535 9825
Zoom URL

Event time:
Saturday, April 1st, 7pm-10pm Pacific Time,
Saturday, April 1st, 10pm-1am Eastern Time,
Sunday, April 2nd, 10am-1pm China Standard Time,
Sunday, April 2nd, 2am-5am Central European Time

美西时间04/01 周六 晚7点-10点,
美东时间04/01 周六 晚10点-1点,
中国时间04/02 周日 中午10点-1点,
欧洲时间04/02 周日 凌晨2点-5点;

Welcome everyone to “United Proud Women: Let’s talk about harassment”.

This discussion is designed to provide a safe and inclusive space for members of the sexual minority women community. Our focus will be on the important issue of sexual harassment and providing a platform for everyone to share their experiences and feelings. Through this Zoom discussion, we aim to provide emotional support and understanding to community members from different backgrounds. We also strongly encourage the sharing of resources and coping strategies for handling similar issues.

Please note that due to the sensitive nature of this discussion, we kindly ask that everyone only invites members from within the community and actively maintains confidentiality. Let us all work together to support and encourage each other to move forward.

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