Deep Dive on Mental Health 展开讲讲【心理健康】

We are soon approaching the transition between spring and summer. In this season, have you been actively maintaining your mental health? We will be hosting an online lecture and Q&A session with a professional counselor on the summary of psychological knowledge related to the LGBTQ community. The content is mainly focused on basic popular science, including how to find a suitable therapist (universal standards, as well as regional standards in China and the United States), how to evaluate a therapist’s qualifications, common branches of psychological counseling, and other basic knowledge. The lecture will be presented by Yao (Kat) Xiao, a passionate member of the LGBTQ community and an American Doctor of Psychology (PsyD). Mental health is closely related to identity and is an essential part of self-care. We look forward to learning and growing together!

我们很快迎来了春夏之交的季节,在这样的季节里,大家有没有积极维护自己的心理健康呢?一个关于女性lgbtq的心理知识总结性科普线上讲座 + 专业相关问答。内容基础科普为主,主要内容包括:如何找到合适的心理咨询师(普世通行标准,和中国、美国地区性标准),如何评价咨询师资质,常见的心理咨询的分支,等等基础知识。讲座将由拉拉社区热心成员,美国心理学在读博士(PsyD cand), Yao (Kat) Xiao, 为大家精彩呈现。心理健康似乎一直和身份认同息息相关,也是自我关爱的重要部分。期待和大家一起学习、共同进步!

Lecturer: Yao (Kat) Xiao

Zoom: 969 535 9825
Zoom URL

Event time:
Saturday, April 29th, 7pm-10pm Pacific Time,
Saturday, April 29th, 10pm-1am Eastern Time,
Sunday, April 30th, 10am-1pm China Standard Time,
Sunday, April 30th, 2am-5am Central European Time

美西时间04/29 周六 晚7点-10点,
美东时间04/29 周六 晚10点-1点,
中国时间04/30 周日 中午10点-1点,
欧洲时间04/30 周日 凌晨2点-5点;


(How ChatGPT answered some of the questions?回答正确吗?让我们拭目以待。)

How to find a suitable therapist in China or the United States:

  1. Referrals and recommendations: Start by asking friends, family members, or coworkers who have experience with therapy for recommendations. You can also consult with your primary care physician for referrals.
  2. Online search and directories: Use online directories and search engines to find therapists in your area. In the United States, you can search the American Psychological Association’s directory, while in China, you can refer to the Chinese Psychological Society’s website.
  3. Professional organizations: Professional organizations, such as the American Psychological Association or the Chinese Psychological Society, can provide information on qualified therapists and their areas of expertise.
  4. Insurance coverage: Check with your insurance provider to find therapists who accept your insurance plan, as this may affect your out-of-pocket costs.
  5. Interview potential therapists: Schedule an initial consultation or phone call with potential therapists to discuss your needs and concerns, and to get a sense of their therapeutic approach, communication style, and cultural sensitivity.

Evaluating a therapist’s qualifications:

  1. Educational background and professional training: A qualified therapist should have a degree in a relevant field, such as psychology, social work, or marriage and family therapy, and have received professional training.
  2. Certifications and licenses: In many countries and regions, therapists need to obtain appropriate licenses or certifications, such as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) or Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in the United States. Investigate their certifications and registration status to ensure their professional competence.
  3. Clinical experience: Understanding a therapist’s clinical experience is crucial for evaluating their qualifications. Familiarize yourself with the types of cases they have handled, their therapeutic methods, and areas of expertise.
  4. Treatment approach: Learn about the therapist’s treatment approach, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, or humanistic therapy. Choose a treatment method that aligns with your needs and beliefs.
  5. Sensitivity to the LGBTQ community: When seeking psychological counseling for the LGBTQ community, ensure that the therapist demonstrates understanding, respect, and support for this community in order to provide a safe and comfortable therapeutic environment.


  1. 理解和支持:一个好的心理咨询师能够理解并支持LGBTQ群体所面临的挑战,如歧视、压力、家庭和社会关系等。他们能够提供一个安全、无偏见的环境,让LGBTQ个体在治疗过程中感受到被尊重和接纳。
  2. 专业知识:一个具备针对LGBTQ群体心理健康需求的心理咨询师,能够提供更专业、有效的治疗建议。他们了解LGBTQ群体的特殊需求,如性别认同问题、性取向问题等,从而能够提供针对性的心理治疗方案。
  3. 防止二次伤害:选择一个对LGBTQ群体敏感的心理咨询师可以避免在治疗过程中受到二次伤害。一些缺乏相关知识和经验的心理咨询师可能会做出不恰当的评价或建议,导致个体在寻求帮助的过程中受到更大的伤害。
  4. 有效沟通:一个好的心理咨询师能够与LGBTQ个体建立有效的沟通,帮助他们更好地表达自己的感受和需求。这有助于心理咨询师更准确地了解个体的问题,从而提供更有效的治疗方案。
  5. 社会支持:一个了解LGBTQ群体的心理咨询师通常具有较好的社会资源和网络。他们可以为个体提供相关的社会支持,如社区活动、支持团体等,帮助他们在心理治疗之外获得更多的支持和帮助。
  6. 跨文化敏感性:对于LGBTQ群体来说,选择具有跨文化敏感性的心理咨询师很重要。这样的心理咨询师能够理解不同文化背景下的性别和性取向问题,提供更贴近个体需求的心理治疗方案。



  1. 认知行为疗法(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT):CBT关注个体的思维、情感和行为之间的关系。通过改变消极思维模式和行为习惯,帮助个体解决心理问题。
  2. 精神分析(Psychoanalysis):精神分析强调潜意识对个体心理健康的影响,通过深入探讨童年经历、梦境和潜意识冲突,解析心理问题的根源。
  3. 人本主义心理治疗(Humanistic Therapy):人本主义心理治疗强调个体的自我实现和潜力。常见的方法包括存在主义治疗、盖斯特派心理治疗等。
  4. 家庭系统治疗(Family Systems Therapy):家庭系统治疗关注家庭成员之间的互动模式,通过改善家庭沟通和关系,解决心理问题。
  5. 面向过程心理治疗(Process-Oriented Psychotherapy):面向过程心理治疗关注个体内在的心理过程,通过探索潜在的情感和需求,促进个体心理健康。
  6. 眼动脱敏与再加工疗法(Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, EMDR):EMDR主要用于处理创伤后应激障碍(PTSD),通过特定的眼动技术,帮助个体重新加工创伤经历,减轻其负面影响。
  7. 情绪焦点治疗(Emotionally Focused Therapy, EFT):EFT关注情绪在个体和关系问题中的作用,通过探索和表达情绪,改善个体心理状态及其人际关系。
  8. 集体治疗(Group Therapy):集体治疗是在小组环境中进行的心理治疗,利用组员之间的互动,促进共享经历、支持和心理成长。
  9. 心理药物治疗(Psychopharmacotherapy):心理药物治疗是通过使用药物来调节脑内化学物质平衡,以改善心理症状。通常与其他心理治疗方法结合使用。
  10. 艺术治疗(Art Therapy):艺术治疗通过绘画、
  11. 雕塑、音乐、舞蹈等艺术形式,帮助个体表达内心情感和经历,从而达到治疗心理问题的目的。
  12. 体验治疗(Experiential Therapy):体验治疗通过模拟现实情境和动手实践,帮助个体在安全的环境中面对情感和行为问题,学习新的应对策略。
  13. 催眠治疗(Hypnotherapy):催眠治疗通过引导个体进入深度放松和高度专注的状态,访问潜意识,改变不良行为模式和信念。
  14. 心理动力治疗(Psychodynamic Therapy):心理动力治疗关注个体内心冲突的解决,通过深入探讨个体的潜意识动力,帮助个体了解自己的情感和行为。
  15. 沙盘治疗(Sandplay Therapy):沙盘治疗是一种以沙盘为基础的心理治疗方法,通过在沙盘中摆放各种小物件,帮助个体表达和整合内在的心理世界。
  16. 正念治疗(Mindfulness-based Therapy):正念治疗通过培养个体在日常生活中保持对内心和外部环境的全神贯注的能力,帮助个体减轻焦虑、抑郁等心理症状

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