

The following content is based on the wonderful performance by female artists from Los Angeles and a subsequent 3-hour-long interview.


“Anonymous Women (匿名女性行动)” is a decentralized social movement initiated by women. Its main purpose is to draw more attention to the challenges that Chinese women face in their daily lives through social action. The movement consists of more than ten female students or recent graduates. The movement was sparked by the “Iron Chain Lady” incident in China, and was spontaneously organized by young Chinese women in Los Angeles, who used performing arts to call for more attention to the vicious crimes against women in China, such as trafficking. The goal of this movement is to raise awareness of gender equality and to encourage everyone to participate in the feminist movement and promote feminist ideas, rather than just a few people speaking up for women.

“Anonymous Women【匿名女性行动】”是一个由女性发起的去中心化社会行动。主要目的是通过社会行动,促使社会更加关注中国女性在生活中面临的困境。该行动由十多名学生或刚毕业不久的女性组成。该行动开始的契机是在中国铁链女事件发生后,洛杉矶当地青年华人女性自发组织的以表演艺术的形式呼吁社会更加关注在中国针对女性的恶性犯罪事件,如拐卖妇女等。这个行动的目的是为了提高人们对女权的关注,并希望这个行动能够真正让每个人都参与到女权运动和传播女权理念,而不是只有少数人在为女性发声。

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